Board of Directors
Dr. Atarah Twersky Chairman of the Board
Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein President
Irwin Shapiro Vice President
Rabbi Menachem Genack Vice President
Julius Berman, Esq. Treasurer
Eli Weber, Esq. Secretary
Editorial-Publication Board
Dr. David Shatz Series Editor
Dr. Joel B. Wolowelsky Associate Editor
Rabbi Reuven Ziegler Director of Research
The Toras HoRav Foundation
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt"l
(1903-1993) was not only one of the outstanding
talmudists of the twentieth century, but also one of its
most creative and seminal Jewish thinkers. Drawing from
a vast reservoir of Jewish and general knowledge, "the
Rav," as he is widely known, brought Jewish thought and
law to bear on the interpretation and assessment of the
modern experience. On the one hand, he built bridges
between Judaism and the modern world; yet at the same
time he vigorously upheld the integrity and autonomy of
the Jew's faith commitment, and in particular the
commitment to a life governed by Halakhah, Jewish law.
For over four decades, Rabbi Soloveitchik commuted
weekly from his home in Brookline, Massachusetts to New
York City, where he gave the senior shiur (class
in Talmud) at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological
Seminary (RIETS), affiliated with Yeshiva University,
and, in his early years there, also taught Jewish
Philosophy at the University’s Bernard Revel Graduate
School. Generations of rabbinical students were taught
and inspired by him -- among them many of the future
leaders of the Orthodox and broader Jewish community. By
his extensive personal teaching and influence, as well
as by serving locally as the chief rabbinic figure in
Boston, where he founded the Maimonides School, he
contributed vitally to the dynamic resurgence of
Orthodox Judaism in America. The thousands of people
who regularly flocked to his public lectures in Boston
and New York on halakhic, philosophical and Biblical
topics were consistently enthralled and inspired. Rabbi
Soloveitchik stands, indeed, as one of the great
religious leaders of our time. Even now, after his
passing, his teachings -- "the Rav's Torah" -- are
always eagerly sought, and his words continue to ring
with relevance and authority.
Although many of Rabbi Soloveitchik's writings and
discourses have been published over the years, much
additional material, rich and evocative, remains in
handwritten manuscripts. The Toras HoRav
Foundation was established by family members and
former students to disseminate these and other works,
with the aims of enhancing both our grasp of Rabbi
Soloveitchik's philosophy and our understanding of the
diverse topics he addresses.
The volumes published by the Foundation to date include :
FAMILY REDEEMED: Essays on Family Relationships
Edited by David Shatz and Joel B. Wolowelsky
WORSHIP OF THE HEART: Essays on Jewish Prayer
Edited by Shalom Carmy
OUT OF THE WHIRLWIND: Essays on Mourning,
Suffering and the Human Condition
Edited by David Shatz, Joel B. Wolowelsky, and Reuven Ziegler
Letters and Communications
Edited by Nathaniel Helfgot
Edited by Michael Berger
FESTIVAL OF FREEDOM: Essays on Pesah and the Haggadah
Edited by Joel B. Wolowelsky and Reuven Ziegler
Reflections on the Tish'ah be-Av Kinot
Edited by Jacob J. Schacter
DAYS OF DELIVERANCE: Essays on Purim and Hanukkah
Edited by Eli D. Clark, Joel B. Wolowelsky, and
Reuven Ziegler
Edited by David Shatz, Joel B. Wolowelsky, and Reuven Ziegler
And From There You Shall Seek (U-Vikkashtem mi-Sham)
Translated by Naomi Goldblum
These English volumes are available from
Ktav Publishing House.
שיעורי הגרי"ד על ענייני תפילין, כתיבת סת"ם וציצית
נערך על ידי הרב יאיר קאהן
שיעורים לזכר אבא מרי ז"ל (ב' כרכים)
שיעורי הגרי"ד על עבודת יום הכיפורים
נערך על ידי הרב אהרן ליכטנשטיין והרב יאיר קאהן
זמן חירותנו: מסות על חג הפסח ועל ההגדה
נערך על ידי יואל ב' וולוולסקי וראובן ציגלר
תורגם ע"י אביגדור שנאן
אדם וביתו: שש מסות על חיי המשפחה
נערך על ידי דוד שץ ויואל ב' וולוולסקי
תורגם ע"י אביגדור שנאן
מן הסערה: מסות על אבלות, ייסורים והמצב האנושי
נערך על ידי דוד שץ, יואל ב' וולוולסקי וראובן ציגלר
תורגם ע"י אביגדור שנאן
עבודה שבלב: מסות על התפילה
נערך על ידי הרב שלום כרמי
תורגם ע"י אביגדור שנאן
ניתן להזמין את הספרים אדם וביתו, מן הסערה,
עבודה שבלב וזמן חירותנו
מספריית מכללת יעקב הרצוג
ניתן לרכוש את הספרים מ"שלם מפיצי ספרים"
טל. 5380195 (02) .